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Obey the Traffic Rules (450字)

投稿:梦千千 年级:初一 时间:1年前

本文《Obey the Traffic Rules作文450字》由作文汇用户投稿,希望为您的写作提供参考,如果觉得好请推荐给同学们吧~非常感谢您的支持!

     One of my classmates was knocked down by car last term. He was badly hurt. He had to stay in the hospital for several months. We were very sad.
     One night, he felt very hungry. He wanted to buy some easy noodles to eat. He ran very fast. He didn’t stop when the traffic lights were red. He couldn’t escape. His legs were injured. He said that was a terrible(可怕的) memory. He said he would obey the traffic rules forever.
     Please always remember the traffic rules. It is very important for us. Life is wonderful. Let’s obey the rules at any time.

