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投稿:小剑 时间:7天前


交通安全手抄报简单又漂亮 篇1

In order to enhance the traffic safety awareness of teachers and students, the headmaster invited Uncle Teng from Dongguan Traffic Police Detachment to give us a "traffic safety knowledge lecture" shortly after the school starts. Uncle Teng's humorous language style, combined with the vivid and vivid speech of specific examples, left us a deep impression.

Uncle Teng constantly stressed that consciously abiding by traffic rules is the first condition to ensure traffic safety. This reminds me of an unforgettable bloody scene. Next to a wide road, a young man crossed the road. He gave up the footbridge not far away, looked left and right, and found that the car was far away from him. He rushed over without thinking. At that time, a car came at a crazy speed. He could not avoid it. He was hit by the car and rotated 360 degrees in the air. Then he fell heavily on the ground, broke his head and died on the spot. How terrible! If that young man can walk on the footbridge or cross the street at the green light, I believe his fate will be changed. Consciously obeying traffic rules is really protecting our precious lives.

An hour later, the lecture was over, and the students' faces showed thoughtful expressions. I believe that all students, like me, will keep traffic safety in mind.

交通安全手抄报简单又漂亮 篇2

A grand traffic safety opening ceremony was held on Friday afternoon. Hearing the good news, I couldn't help but want to see the policewoman sister Yingzi Shashuang and uncle holding their heads high and striding forward.

But I think we should listen quietly first. Sitting at the podium and listening carefully, I believe that safety is the first line of life. We should always pay attention and be alert. Stop at the red light and go at the green light. Pedestrians should go through the zebra crossing. But what I admire most is the moment of performance - the scene when the policewoman sister demonstrated the command. When the sisters of policewomen came on stage, I welcomed their performance with special warm applause. Look at their straight arms, their neat steps and their firm messages. Looking at me, I was also excited and wanted to perform with the policewomen sisters. At this time, I thought: "The policewoman sister's performance is to let us learn the common sense of traffic safety," and learn to protect ourselves.

Learn to start civilization from the foot. Let's join hands to create a civilized city and spend a better time together.

交通安全手抄报简单又漂亮 篇3

Life is precious. It is given to us by our parents. There is only one life. So we should cherish life and cherish life.

However, with the gradual improvement of people's living standards and economic conditions, wide roads and Mercedes Benz cars are convenient for our lives. At the same time, traffic accidents are threatening people's safety all the time. It is like a powerful bomb, which will explode at any time, breaking many families and making people sad. Therefore, we should abide by the traffic rules and pay attention to safety at all times.

On my way to school last year, I saw a young uncle riding an electric car. When the red light came on, he drove forward at lightning speed regardless of the danger of his own life. At this time, a truck full of goods came. When the driver saw him, it was too late to brake. The young uncle was hit by the truck and flew far away. The young man died on the spot due to excessive blood loss.

Just a few days ago, at the gate of our Wujiawa Dongfang Supermarket, a driver got drunk and ran into two women waiting for a bus on the roadside. One died on the spot, and the other is still unconscious in the hospital, dying. The driver was also seriously injured. Although I didn't see the tragic scene with my own eyes, I can also imagine the horrible scene at that time.

How terrible a traffic accident is. It takes a living life in an instant. How many families are broken and how many people have lost their loved ones because of traffic accidents. If we always have the string of traffic safety in mind and strictly abide by the traffic rules, the above accidents will not occur. Let traffic accidents disappear in our lives, and let tomorrow become a human home full of flowers, sunshine and love.


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