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投稿:逝水流年版务部 时间:1年前




In fact, such as durian, although the appearance of ugly and cruel, but opened it, there are delicious fruit has attracted many people; so too, see things or people do not just look outside the United States, because it is likely that this is a hoax, a famous appearance only, more important is the inner beauty can see the best quality.

I am a young odd appearance, everybody avoided the durian. From the day I was born, I complained why was so ugly, so I did not face in front of a public occasion, see...... But the mother said to me, "to give yourself confidence, if you try hard to get others to accept your understanding of the meaning of your existence, then you don't need to annoy your ugly appearance. I do not know if this is a kind of extravagant, at least to the present, the fact is in front of the eyes, only to see you dare to put into action.

The road ahead is too long, I cringed. Because my body is always wearing a spiked clothes, not only daunting, but also bring harm to people, if stab injury, do not leave a scar so ugly, the more people hate...... What should I do? I have tried to improve their taste, hoping to arouse people's attention, slowly, I found it in vain, because standing while watching people is very small, makes me sad is, they laughed at me "meteor hammer box (a weapon), painfully I closed my eyes, silently sobbed, dreams are virtual, it is not a sense of security and a sense of utter despair, shouting in front of me, confused by gray haze shrouded, rainbow has disappeared Not the least trace was found. It turned out that I had no position and worthless in the minds of people!

I gradually mature, through the years in my new China and did not walk through... I came to a very busy, crowded place - the market, the supermarket, the market. I began to cheered and cheered. Occasionally, there was an alluring smell in my body. This is my personal charm, and I began to have the activity and passion of returning to the brook. So I waited confidently for the lucky landing of the confidant. My director has sent me to the home of a bosom friend by money trading.

In their warm harbor, the family didn't discriminate against me, and it was better than I imagined. The little owner volunteered to touch my cold and cruel thorn. I have never had a happy heart ripples, echoed sweetly; until one day, those who bravely dig my tough shell, came home in a stir, I also a collection of gold bulging flesh, and color, aroma, taste, which made the neighborhood drool with envy.

Finally, after that, more people pay attention to me, they no longer mind the uneven and ugly appearance of my appearance, but to know how to cherish my inner beauty! My descendants are more able to lift their heads and raise their breasts with good intentions to benefit mankind.

Durian is not simple, although it is ugly, but the table has a pure and against the heart, its good quality in Liufang bes; so, the external beauty is important, but the lack of the inner beauty of the support, to have good quality.

I believe you own inner beauty's success in life!


Once a man, get a good bow, the bow shot far and accurate, but the bow hunters believe that the appearance of some heavy, let people carve it in a picture. After the carve, the man tightened his bow and tried it, and the bow broke.

This little story tells us that the appearance is beautiful and luxurious without practical value. Such things are nothing, and the inner beauty is the real beauty.

Like some women in the society, they are unscrupulous in pursuit of the beauty of their appearance. Weight loss, cosmetic, breast augmentation, although their appearance may be more beautiful than the other women, but the injury to the inner body is not to be underestimated. It is reported that a woman has been taking a lot of weight loss drugs in order to lose weight for six months, though she lost more than 60 pounds. But when she went to the hospital for examination, she found that more than 70% of her organs were completely necrotic and could not be repaired. The appearance is beautiful, and the body and mind are devastated, so is it worth the beauty of the exchange? Try to think, a person who even discarded at all, more appearance decoration is not worth, but also make people joke.

Unlike the pursuit of beautiful appearance, the famous historian Sima Qian, in prison by castration of torture, looks very poor, looks ugly, but Sima Qian did not give up on the pursuit of the value of life, with his indomitable perseverance, written by Lu Xun as "historians of the masterpiece, without rhyme" Lisao "historical records". Can Sima Qian write this vast historical monumental, if he emphasizes the gain and loss of his appearance, and does not have a strong heart? It can be seen that the inner strength is truly powerful, and the inner beauty is the real beauty.

As we all know, Newton, a famous physicist, is always dressed and disheveled, but will you ignore his achievements and despise him? Deng Xiaoping is a short stature, but will you disdain the greatness of his "reform and opening" theory? Beethoven was deaf in his ears, but would you deny his creation in the hall of music? Can't, Ordinary dress and face can not cover up the light of inner fullness. To this, even the bright dress and appearance, but also enrich not ignorance and empty heart.

No matter in the past, or now, there are always some people who make jokes because they are overly interested in the attraction of their appearance. In the "treasure hunt" program, such a thing happened. A farmer took a ceramic expert to identify it. Experts identified it as the porcelain of Song Dynasty, but strangely, the appearance of porcelain was very bright and beautiful, and it was not like the cultural relics buried in the ground for thousands of years. Experts questioned this. The farmer answered that: the excavated porcelain was rusty, very unbeautiful, and let the friend paint it. In this way, a very valuable porcelain, it becomes Fenwenbuzhi. At the same time we exclamatory the ridiculous events, we can not help but feel sad for the farmer to pursue the gorgeous appearance. The farmer, in pursuit of the beauty of the surface, violates the desire and loses its true value. Is it not worth our deep thought that this practice, but the pursuit of external beauty?

Pay attention to the appearance, ignore the inner quality, the cloth that brings us is only regret, even tragedy. What is the "apple of Sodom" more helpless people sadder? "Maiduhaizhu" left is not right.

In life, we need the United States, but we have to mark occasions and to time, the connotation of internal cultivation and never give up the pursuit of physical beauty.


Now people should generally think that inner beauty is important? Zhang Xiaofeng doesn't think so. I don't think so.

You can't see the inner beauty of a man, and you don't know. But external beauty, when you see his first eye, you can find. Sometimes, the external beauty is very important. "If I was hit by a motorcycle on the road, as long as I get a look, the man riding a new bright red car, wearing a beautiful white jeans, a brilliant yellow radiance of a sweater and, above all, there is a Omar Sharif type the character of the face, I have a soft heart, beat yourself up dust yourself walking and sincerely apologize to him, please don't mind my forehead he accidentally knocked his car paint. But if the man riding a vintage car ash not yellow is not yellow, with a swollen shiny untidy ugly face, (or, worse, it is a bit long beans.) I have not trouble him!"

If only the inner beauty with flowers "but nobody heard guava flower? Who has ordered a poplar for a girlfriend? Melon, watermelon flowers flowers although future can ", but where had descendants flourish" anthography!"

But people have the beauty of the outside, like a noble and beautiful rose - "to make flowers, you have to make beautiful roses." To be a man, of course, is great, otherwise, at least it will be beautiful! "

Inner beauty, beauty in the heart, can anyone see it at the same time? Why is the plastic house so hot? Why do everyone want to plastic? There is only one reason: "I forgive Lin Daiyu, forgive the beauty, forgive the premature death of the Empress Dowager Mrs. Lee, although they are often ill. "The sick man of East Asia" is probably the kind of "East Asian sick woman students. But as long as the sick students like Lin Daiyu and rosy cheeks red, Xingmou shine, or like a beauty that frowns with heart, breath it, even to the beauty, can also get a prize for the best looking ". If you like her, although the body, good acting, and who would know?"

I can not say that inner beauty is useless and military, and I have different views with the author.

If people have only the external beauty but lack the connotation, I can only call it an empty shell without the soul. If people have not only the beauty of external but also the inner beauty, then the empty shells that are not useless are completely incomparable with the single soul.

Although the present social appearance is more important than the connotation, the lifeless rose is never better than a rose with a spirit.


Colorful flowers have their beautiful and beautiful appearance; tall tall and tall trees have their persevering heart; Beethoven has no intact facial features but unyielding willpower. Lai Changxing has its magnificent homes, glamorous dress, but no down-to-earth quality.

The external beauty is of course important, but the inner beauty can also reflect a person's overall temperament.

The first president of the United States in Washington, he has a higher right to manage the country, as the country's president, his life his ordinary dress chastity. But he gave up his position and gave up the young man to take the position for his doubtful competence. He kept his feet on the ground and continued to enrich his life. Later, the war between the US and France could follow the mission of the country and stand out to protect the survival and development of the country and guide the war.

His feet on the ground, his inner beauty popular.

Beethoven, the great musician, his persistent and unyielding soul scattered brilliant and dazzling light under the torment of blindness and hearing loss. His indomitable and unyielding perseverance before the disaster let us feel kindly from the hero's symphony. He never like other musicians as magnificent and solemn costumes, not that expensive and complete their music life, but his inner beauty let him have a seat in the music hall.

His indomitable perseverance, unyielding respected and appreciated.

In our daily life, we have not ruled Washington skills, not Beethoven's super talent in music, not a born beauty appearance, but we have a pure and sincere heart. We are all ordinary and ordinary mortals.

She was in the market for the first time she met her. She, very special. All the students walked into the examination room alone, and he needed the teacher to get into the examination room. Her body amputated, he could not walk like a normal person, she needs someone to take care of, and he has a thankful and optimistic heart, he is willing to help others solve the problem of learning, willing to help students open their hearts, her face always smiling, he has no sense of inferiority, no sorrow.

The beauty of his mind is far beyond his physical defects.

The beauty after packing is good, but pure, natural and plain beauty can move other people's eyeballs more.


In the process of imperceptibly, we don't know when. When more and more Internet words are accepted by people, they are widely used in life. Among them, "face value" is a household word. It is not difficult to imagine that the popularity of "Yan value" reflects the change of people's Views: looking at the value of the person first. In this society which is overly pursuing the external and more and more popular on the surface, the inner beauty is gradually ignored. The pursuit of beauty, of course is a good phenomenon, but people say that: inner beauty is the immortal beauty?

"Mainly looking at temperament" is also a popular vocabulary on the list, but it is quite different from the meaning of "Yan value". "Temperament" is the beauty that man shows from the heart and from the heart. Its intelligence is hidden in the books you read, the way you go, the depth of your mind, and the meaning of life.

Einstein's tongue, the photo is remembered with dishevelled hair and a dirty face, he did not have any external beauty, not on the "face value", but his inner, his mind was for humans to make a great contribution. He was in the history book, because his inner beauty immortal.

Only inner beauty is immortal. The story of Liu Hulan for her courage and even woman and children all know people, patriotic spirit of shock, and who remember her appearance, her "face value"? Only her inner beauty is remembered by history.

A popular dress may soon be out of date, and a thousand years of Tang poetry and song words still make people happy with their beauty. They are inner beauty.

The world is not to stay, force is spent speech mirror trees. As Wang Guowei said, the beauty of the outside is always perishable. The old woman had seen a speech on TV, her face lines, a simple dress, she is old, but her eyes were bright, standing is not straight, but full of power, although her outer beauty is gone, but her inner beauty is eternal.

Rouge does not mask the sunset. There is a high "Yan value" also can not stop the years of scour, better to enrich their own inner, because the immanent beauty immanent.

Ma Yun's "Yan value" is called "negative", and who can climb to his height? Immanent is always important to a person, because "inner" is the true soul of a man. It determines the depth of your life, and contains the meaning of your life.

The beauty of the surface is always as ephemeral as a flash in the pan, and the beauty of the soul is immortal only in the inner, the spiritual, the soul.


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