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投稿:云河 时间:1年前


律政佳人观后感(The impressions of Legally Blonde)

I love this everything about this movie including its storyline, actors, actresses and so on. I think this movie is very sweet. Why do I think so? There are some reasons.

First of all, Reese Witherspoon who is acting the heroine "Elle Woods" is very cute, not only cute but also her fashions are so charming. Secondly, I like Elle's character. She is always positive with everything, even if she faces serious or difficult situations. My favorite scene is that where Law School students including Elle, Elle's old boyfriend, Warner and his girlfriend Vivian are taking a class. As Elle's opinion is praised by professor, and her opinion is better than Warner's, Warner and Vivian look each other with chagrined face. When I saw the scene, I felt refreshed, and I wanted to say to Elle that "You did it, Elle!"

I really like this movie! The storyline, all of fashions are cute, and actors as well as actresses are suitable for their characters. This movie is not only sweet, charming and delightful, but also Elle Woods told us that a lot of important things for human's beings. In particular I want many ladies to see this movie, but I recommend this movie to to everyone including young boys!

  律政佳人观后感(The impressions of Legally Blonde)

A high concept can be a wonderful thing. Up to a point. It can get your film sold and maybe even make it look attractive, but it can't ensure much of anything else. Case in point, may it please the court, is "Legally Blonde."

Starring Reese Witherspoon as a Bel-Air airhead wending her way through law school, "Legally Blonde" is basically "Clueless Goes to Harvard." Nothing wrong with that notion, but, ladies and gentlemen of the jury, I've seen "Clueless" and this is no "Clueless."


That's more disappointing than it may sound, because "Legally Blonde" is guilty of squandering resources. Amusing as it goes about setting up its premise, in Witherspoon, the gifted veteran of "Election" and "Pleasantville," it has an actress willing to throw herself completely into the part to excellent effect. But while "Clueless" had the use of the road-tested plot of Jane Austen's "Emma," "Legally Blonde" does not. Haphazardly directed by first-timer Robert Luketic and written by Karen McCullah Lutz & Kirsten Smith (who did the similarly bright but dramatically unfocused "10 Things I Hate About You"), this film can't figure out where to go with its concept and increasingly unravels as it marches along.

Witherspoon plays Elle Woods, the way blond president of the Delta Nu sorority at a mythical Southern California university. Though we're clued in early that she's way smarter than her runner-up for Miss Hawaiian Tropic lifestyle might indicate, Elle's ambitions are limited to getting married to the man of her dreams.

That would be Warner Huntington III (Matthew Davis), smug as only a III can be. On the night Elle expects Warner to propose, he takes the opportunity to break up with her. He's going to Harvard Law with the aim of being a senator by the time he's 30, a schedule that mandates that he "marry a Jackie, not a Marilyn."

Miffed, Elle decides to go to Harvard Law as well. So what if her strong GPA comes from taking courses like "The History of Polka Dots" as a fashion merchandising major. So what if her father feels law school is exclusively for people who are "boring, ugly and serious." Harvard Law is what it's going to be.

Elle's determination is at the heart of her irrepressible character. Faultlessly played by Witherspoon, Elle is all bounce all the time, so filled with positive energy that the actress reported that it was actually tiring to play the part. Elle's bikini-clad video application so flummoxes the Harvard admission committee that it lets her in in the name of, what else, diversity.


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