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A traffic accident (600字)

投稿:言来韵生 年级:五年级 时间:1年前

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     Yesterday morning,the accident happened.In the Xinhua street,a bus was going along the street ,but the bus driver was so tired that he did't see a girl crossing the rold.Next ,the bus hit the girl.Many passerengers were surprose,and the driver afraid of this thing.He got off the bus quickly,and save the girl,he knew he should took the girl to the hospital,and he expected most people were got off and wait to next bus,but to his surprise,they all wanted to save the girl,so they take the girl to the hospital.And the driver thanks for the passengers helping him and saving a life.Thanks to doctor,the girl get out of the dangers. When i hear that thing,i am so surprise,but also happy because of these passengers.

