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五年级英语作文:My pencil-box (600字)

投稿:哥狠低调 年级:五年级 时间:1年前

本文《五年级英语作文:My pencil-box600字》由作文汇用户投稿,希望为您的写作提供参考,如果觉得好请推荐给同学们吧~非常感谢您的支持!

  I have a pencil-box. It’s very beautifu. I bought it in a shop. I’ve kept it for one year. It cost me teenty-foru yuan.I like it very much.

  This pencil-box is made of metal. It’s rather exquisite. Oh the face of the pencil-box, there are two pigs.One is “Miss Pig”. The other is “Mr Pig”.They look like being good friends. They get on very well with each other.The female is looking at herself in a mirror. She is in a red skirt and she looks very beautifu.The male is looking at her with a smile on his face. It seems that he’s happyity proud to be her best friend.

  Open the pencil-box, you can see some ball-pens, a ruler,an eraser and other sta-tionery. Usually, I usu them.Sometimes, I lend them to my classmates. I like them very much, you know. They’re my good friends.

