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投稿:天府农夫 时间:1年前


The working people are the greatest people in the world, they labor to create the world, created human beings, to create our happy life today. Today is labor, and built a tall building; labor, build modernization of information superhighway; labor, let the huge earth into a small village; labor, the vast wilderness into acres of farmland.

Labor is the magic, labor is great. Workers with hard-working hands and wisdom, weaving the class colorful world, creating human civilization. Let us on this special day, the workers pay tribute to the world!

In the full truth of May, due to labor and hold your hand full of callus, send my most sincere wishes, a listen to your work. "Outside the pavilion, road side, green lawn is a kind of life"; "a drizzly rain break," is a kind of life; "to stream water, waves Feizhou stop" is a kind of life; "unknown to the public, selfless dedication" is also a kind of life. All sorts of life, such as labor Coffee in sugar, our life adjustable flavorfully; a frame work such as roadside scenery, make our life beautiful and colorful dress.

In May May, the truth. In the outside of the building, building, pavilion in the pavilion, let us hand in hand, shoulder to shoulder, lofty, full of SAP sing a song of the workers of the world The mighty river flows eastward., wishes to the distance, for tomorrow. Let us cheer for tomorrow, May to sing, clap for the workers!






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